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Knee Pain Treatment In Philadelphia, PA

Knee Pain Condition Treatment Chiropractor Philadelphia PAl

Knee pain affects one-third of people in the U.S. every year. It’s the second most common cause of chronic pain! This weight-bearing joint is crucial to helping us move about our daily lives. Most people don’t give much thought to the knee, how it works, and what it’s responsible for until there’s a problem. An injury to the knee will quickly force you to take notice.

The knee is one of the body’s largest, most complex joints. It comprises four bones: the femur, the tibia, the fibula, and the patella. The muscles that support the knee are the quadriceps in the front and the hamstrings in the back. These structures are connected through an intricate network of ligaments and cartilage. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) prevents the femur from moving back onto the tibia, and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) prevents the femur from sliding forwards. Two collateral ligaments, medial and lateral, help provide support. The meniscus (lateral and medial) is the tissue that sits between the femur and the tibia, providing ease of movement between the two bones. There is also articular cartilage that sits behind the patella. Finally, the knee is surrounded by bursae, fluid-filled sacs that help to cushion the knee joint.

Injuries, accidents, and traumatic events are inevitable. Hundreds of thousands of people each year develop moderate to severe injuries to their knee joints and other skeleton components. Some cases are trivial and respond well to rest, relaxation, and exercises, while others may lead to permanent disability, loss of function, and societal burden. However, proper alignment and improved motion can help decrease knee joint pain. Other treatments, such as exercise to improve posture, massage, and chiropractic adjustments can get to the heart of the issue and have a lasting effect on the function of your knee. Ultimately, we want to find the root cause of your knee pain and work to correct it. That is how we get the best results.

How We Treat Knee Pain at PA Pain & Rehab

Comprehensive Exam

As chiropractors, we take a comprehensive medical history and perform a thorough physical and biomechanical examination to make an accurate diagnosis. Without an accurate diagnosis, the treatment will not be successful. Our approach to assessing and treating the knee includes the evaluation of the other joints and muscles relating to the knee. This is for several reasons: First, pain can be referred from other structures in the low back, pelvis, and hip into the knee in certain conditions.

Second, if other joints in the lower limb are not working correctly, they can put increased stress on the knee joint, resulting in injury over time. Therefore to resolve the knee pain, chiropractors may also treat other areas to maximize long-term improvement.

Specific Chiropractic Care

At PA Pain & Rehab, our primary form of treatment is chiropractic care. After an injury, the knee can lose its normal range of motion, causing restriction and dysfunction. We perform chiropractic adjustments to the knee to help improve its mobility. All our joints heal through movement and need to be properly moving to heal effectively. This also includes the knee. Chiropractors can gently manipulate the knee joint to allow for improved range of motion and decreased pain.

It is also possible that the knee is not functioning because the muscles that support and move the knee aren’t working correctly. The nerves that control the muscles in the lower extremity originate in the lumbar spine. After a traumatic injury, there is a likelihood that the spine is also affected. Since the nerves that come from the lumbar spine (low back) also control the knee and surrounding soft tissue, we need to address the spine along with any other restriction in the spine, or the knee will not heal as well as it could. Not addressing knee problems in the early stages of the injury can lead to improper healing and arthritis.

Soft Tissue Therapy

At PA Pain & Rehab, we use a common treatment modality called soft tissue therapy to treat knee pain. This treatment involves manipulating the soft tissues around the knee, such as the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. In most cases of knee pain, adhesions and restrictions develop in these tissues over time. They decrease range of motion and prevent the knee from moving and functioning optimally. Releasing these adhesions can improve the range of motion in the soft tissue surrounding the knee and the knee joint’s range of motion, thereby improving the healing process.

Customized Therapeutic Exercise Program

Therapeutic exercise is integral to our care at PA Pain and Rehab. It isn’t enough to improve the range of motion of the knee. We need to address any muscle imbalances in the knee that may be contributing to the condition. We also need to strengthen the muscles that surround the knee so that they can stabilize the joint and prevent additional problems. Our doctors will customize a program suitable for the patient and their specific situation and work one-on-one or in a group setting to accomplish this task. Lastly, in addition to the work the patients do in the office, they also receive stretches and exercises to continue the work at home.

Common Causes of Knee Pain

Knee Bursitis

Knee bursitis occurs when the fluid-filled sacs in the knee (bursae) that cushion and protect tendons and ligaments become inflamed.


Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of degeneration in the knee joint. This wear-and-tear condition occurs over time with repeated use. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and can occur in any joint in the body.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Pain that persists in the front of the knee may be due to patellofemoral pain syndrome. This injury is also related to overuse but develops from improper kneecap alignment or excess weight. Knee pain due to patellofemoral pain syndrome typically affects athletes, teenagers, and manual laborers.

IT (iliotibial) Band Syndrome

The iliotibial band (IT band) runs along the outer thigh and helps stabilize the knee and hip. With iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), the band’s fibers overdevelop and rub against the knee or hipbone, creating friction and inflammation. This friction results in knee pain.

Tendinitis and Tendinosis

The patellar tendon connects your quadricep to your shinbone. If this tendon becomes injured or inflamed from overuse, it can become quite painful and lead to tendinitis.

Torn ACL

One of the more common sources of knee pain, especially from sports, is a torn ACL. A torn ACL occurs most frequently in sports with sudden changes in direction (i.e., soccer or tennis).

Torn Meniscus

Another common sports injury is a torn meniscus, although the injury can also occur in older people during awkward movements. The knee contains two menisci. These pieces of cartilage, located between the tibia and femur, act as shock absorbers cushioning the impact between the bones. The meniscus also helps to stabilize the knee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my knee pain serious?

While it’s normal to have aches and pains in the knee, it can be difficult to understand when to seek medical care. If you feel a sharp pain in your knee or experience pain that keeps getting worse, it may be time to seek a medical professional. Even if you’re experiencing minor knee pain, seeking care can help reduce symptoms and help prevent a more serious injury.

What causes knee pain?

Given the complexity of the knee, knee pain can come from many different angles. However, in order to have some clarity on the situation, there are some common injuries that lead to this pain. Fractures, ligament tears, and dislocations are the most common injuries, while tendonitis and tendon tears also happen occasionally.

When should you see a chiropractor for knee pain?

As quickly as possible. Pain is usually the last symptom to arrive when a problem exists, so by the time you experience knee pain, the problem has already been there for some time. It is vital to address knee pain early to minimize the damage and make the best recovery possible. The longer you wait to address knee pain, the worse it gets.

Is it better to use heat or ice for knee pain?

Most types of knee pain involve inflammation, so we recommend you use ice when treating knee pain at home. Ice will push inflammation away from the source, relieving pain and soothing the achy joint. Heat attracts more blood flow, increasing inflammation at the joint. Therefore, it is best to avoid heat for knee pain.

Can a Chiropractor Help?

One safe, non-invasive solution to knee pain is chiropractic care. These specialists have a depth of experience dealing with these issues and can offer many different beneficial methods depending on your diagnosis. A chiropractor will usually show you corrective exercises and offer massage therapy to help with knee pain. They may get you on a treatment plan to help rehabilitate the knee to optimal health.