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Identify Your Disc Injury with Chiropractic in Philadelphia, PA

Hey, what’s up everybody? My name is Dr. Roger Saias, your chiropractor for disc injuries in Philadelphia, PA. Today I wanted to talk to you about disc related injuries and two tests you can do at home right now to determine whether or not you’re suffering from a disc related problem.

Disc Injury Treatment in Philadelphia, PA

So if you recall in the other video I did, we talked about what causes a disc problem. And one of the most common problems we see is this forward lean. We see so many people with the forward head posture where after a car accident, after whiplash, a lot of people are just kind of bent over in that forward flex position.

I talked about, if you remember, we talked about the ice cream sandwich analogy. If you put too much pressure on the front of an ice cream sandwich it pushes the ice cream backwards. Well in the case of the discs in the vertebrae, if you’re bent too far forward, or if you’re kind of stuck in this position, it’s going to put too much pressure on the front of the disc. Which can then push backwards into the spinal cord or irritate the spinal nerves.

Disc Injury Assessment in Philadelphia, PA

So here’s two tests at home to determine if the pain that you’re experiencing right now is coming from a disc related injury and you’re having a neurological injury or something else.

So one of them is called the Valsalva test, or really kind of a cough test. So you’re going to cough and you’re going to bear down. So when you cough and you bear down, it increases the pressure inside your body so that if you’re having a disc problem, it’s going to exacerbate that pain.

So if you bear down or if you cough, and you get radiating pain going down your arm as a result of it, you probably have a disc related problem. Same thing goes if you bear down or cough and you have pain going down your leg, you may have a problem in your low back and the disc may be part of the problem.

So that’s one test. So if you’re experiencing radiating pain after doing that test, you absolutely should get that checked out.

Here’s another test you can do at home. It’s really simple. It’s called the slump test, right? So we’re trying to reproduce the symptoms kind of like we did with coughing. So we’re going to slumped down, and we’re going to bend our head forward. While we’re bending our head forward. We’re going to extend our legs. So we’re going to extend the leg that hurts.

So if you get pain on your right leg, you’re going to extend your right leg and one bend forward and extending you’re going to point your toes towards you. So you’re pointing your toes, you’re extending your leg, and you’re bent over. If you’re getting pain that radiates from your low back and you feel it, that pain reproduced down your leg. You probably have a disc problem.

Disc Injury Symptoms in Philadelphia, PA

Now if you’re feeling pain in other areas of your spine, or at the back of your leg, it’s questionable whether or not that’s your problem or not. Again, your best line of defense in fixing any of these problems is giving our office a call. Give us a call. Let’s see if we can help you, just have a conversation.

We can do an evaluation to determine if you’re a candidate for chiropractic care and if we can help you. So if you’re watching this video and any of these tests are positive, or you have questions, give us a call. Or send us an email if you don’t want to talk to us, and that’s totally fine. Or you can even comment on this video to ask the question.

So I hope this information was helpful. Please if you have any questions, or if you’re having any concerns, do not wait to put it off, get it taken care of as soon as possible. Hope this message finds you well. See on the next video.

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Identify Your Disc Injury with Chiropractic in Philadelphia, PA

Hey, what’s up everybody? My name is Dr. Roger Saias, your chiropractor for disc injuries in Philadelphia, PA. Today I wanted to talk to you about disc related injuries and two tests you can do at home right now to determine whether or not you’re suffering from a disc related problem.

Disc Injury Treatment in Philadelphia, PA

So if you recall in the other video I did, we talked about what causes a disc problem. And one of the most common problems we see is this forward lean. We see so many people with the forward head posture where after a car accident, after whiplash, a lot of people are just kind of bent over in that forward flex position.

I talked about, if you remember, we talked about the ice cream sandwich analogy. If you put too much pressure on the front of an ice cream sandwich it pushes the ice cream backwards. Well in the case of the discs in the vertebrae, if you’re bent too far forward, or if you’re kind of stuck in this position, it’s going to put too much pressure on the front of the disc. Which can then push backwards into the spinal cord or irritate the spinal nerves.

Disc Injury Assessment in Philadelphia, PA

So here’s two tests at home to determine if the pain that you’re experiencing right now is coming from a disc related injury and you’re having a neurological injury or something else.

So one of them is called the Valsalva test, or really kind of a cough test. So you’re going to cough and you’re going to bear down. So when you cough and you bear down, it increases the pressure inside your body so that if you’re having a disc problem, it’s going to exacerbate that pain.

So if you bear down or if you cough, and you get radiating pain going down your arm as a result of it, you probably have a disc related problem. Same thing goes if you bear down or cough and you have pain going down your leg, you may have a problem in your low back and the disc may be part of the problem.

So that’s one test. So if you’re experiencing radiating pain after doing that test, you absolutely should get that checked out.

Here’s another test you can do at home. It’s really simple. It’s called the slump test, right? So we’re trying to reproduce the symptoms kind of like we did with coughing. So we’re going to slumped down, and we’re going to bend our head forward. While we’re bending our head forward. We’re going to extend our legs. So we’re going to extend the leg that hurts.

So if you get pain on your right leg, you’re going to extend your right leg and one bend forward and extending you’re going to point your toes towards you. So you’re pointing your toes, you’re extending your leg, and you’re bent over. If you’re getting pain that radiates from your low back and you feel it, that pain reproduced down your leg. You probably have a disc problem.

Disc Injury Symptoms in Philadelphia, PA

Now if you’re feeling pain in other areas of your spine, or at the back of your leg, it’s questionable whether or not that’s your problem or not. Again, your best line of defense in fixing any of these problems is giving our office a call. Give us a call. Let’s see if we can help you, just have a conversation.

We can do an evaluation to determine if you’re a candidate for chiropractic care and if we can help you. So if you’re watching this video and any of these tests are positive, or you have questions, give us a call. Or send us an email if you don’t want to talk to us, and that’s totally fine. Or you can even comment on this video to ask the question.

So I hope this information was helpful. Please if you have any questions, or if you’re having any concerns, do not wait to put it off, get it taken care of as soon as possible. Hope this message finds you well. See on the next video.


PA Pain and Rehab

Our chiropractors have a combined 213 years of accident injury experience and have served Philadelphia for over 20 years while helping more than 23,000 patients just like you get back their quality of life